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Position: Biodiversity and climate change analyst
Department: Science & Standards
Division: Science & Research


Research interests

Marine biology, food science, environmental science, environmental engineering, biostatistics, ecosystem ecology, ecological statistics, life cycle assessment

Sandra on ResearchGate

Sandra Ougier is the newest addition to the Science and Research team and joins the MSC as the biodiversity and climate change analyst. Her work will consist of assessing the impacts of fisheries certified to the MSC Standard on marine biodiversity.

Concurrently, Sandra is a PhD candidate at the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development, Institut Agro Rennes in France, where her thesis examined the sustainability of tropical tuna purse seine fisheries.

Before joining the MSC, Sandra worked at the French Office for Biodiversity and worked on data collection of ETP species catch like marine mammals and seabirds.  Additionally, Sandra has worked as a scientific observer onboard an Indian Ocean tuna purse seine vessel.

PhD (2021- present), in Fisheries Science & Management from IRD (French Research Institute for Sustainable Development), Rennes, France.

Thesis - Multi-criteria assessment of the sustainability of fisheries: Application to the tropical tuna purse seine fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian oceans, using two approaches: a dashboard of indicators and the Life Cycle Assessment.

MSc. (2020) in Marine biology & Fisheries Science, L’Insititut Agro Rennes-Angers, France

Master Thesis on spatialization of fishing economic interests and their ecological impacts to propose fisheries management measures in the Regional Committee for Fishing of Brittany.

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