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The MSC certification requirements for both fisheries and chain of custody are defined in a series of documents. These documents outline specific requirements, guidelines and methods to enable consistency and compliance in assessments.


Controlled List of MSC Certification Program Documents
Description: Controlled document list of MSC certification program documents for reference by Conformity Assessment Bodies and Assurance Services International.
Language: English
Version: 44.00
Date of issue: 22 July 2024
Date effective: 22 July 2024
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Controlled List of MSC Derogations
Language: English
Version: 9.00
Date of issue: 22 July 2024
Date effective: 22 July 2024
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Chain of Custody certification documents

MSC Chain of Custody Standard - Default Version v5.1
Description: The Default Standard is for certification of supply chain organisations with single or multi-site operations, trading MSC and/or ASC certified seafood.
Language: English
Version: 5.10
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 30 May 2023
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MSC Chain of Custody Standard - Group Version v2.1
Description: The Group Standard is for certification of supply chain organisations with a central office function and many locations trading MSC and/or ASC certified seafood.
Language: English
Version: 2.10
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 30 May 2023
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MSC Chain of Custody Standard Consumer-Facing Organisation Version v2.1
Description: The CFO Standard is for certification of supply chain organisations of any size selling MSC and/or ASC certified products directly to the final consumer.
Language: English
Version: 2.10
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 30 May 2023
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MSC Chain of Custody Certification Requirements v3.2
Description: Sets out requirements on how the Chain of Custody Standard should be audited and to ensure consistency of its application.
Language: English
Version: 3.20
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 01 November 2023
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MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v1.0
Description: Sets out labour requirements that fisheries and Chain of Custody certificate holders must meet to be eligible for MSC assessment.
Language: English
Version: 1.00
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 01 May 2023
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MSC-MSCI Vocabulary v1.6
Description: This vocabulary defines concepts, terms, phrases and abbreviations used by the MSC and MSCI.
Language: English
Version: 1.60
Date of issue: 22 July 2024
Date effective: 22 July 2024
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MSC Change Tracker Report for Chain of Custody Program Update 2023
Description: Clause-by-clause list of changes to the Chain of Custody Standards (Default, Group and Consumer-Facing Organisation) and the Chain of Custody Certification Requirements released on 15 May 2023.
Language: English
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 15 May 2023
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MSC Chain of Custody Certification Requirements v3.2 with tracked changes
Description: The MSC Chain of Custody Certification Requirements, version 3.2, showing tracked changes from version 3.1.
Language: English
Version: 3.20
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 15 May 2023
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General Certification Requirements


MSC General Certification Requirements v2.6
Description: Sets out requirements for Conformity Assessment Bodies assessing or auditing Fisheries and Chain of Custody businesses.
Language: English
Version: 2.60
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 01 November 2023
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MSC General Certification Requirements 2.6 Tracked Changes
Description: The MSC General Certification Requirements, version 2.6, showing tracked changes from version 2.5.
Language: English
Version: 2.60
Date of issue: 15 May 2023
Date effective: 01 November 2023
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MSC Rules on Unacceptable Conduct v1.0
Description: Sets out the review process and steps to be taken when the MSC identifies unacceptable conduct in relation to a certificate or applicant.
Language: English
Version: 1.00
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
Download download file PDF - 1 MB

More for CABs

Supporting documents

Supporting documents

Forms, templates and other supporting materials for certifiers and clients.

Translated program documents

Translated program documents

Translated resources for Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) accredited to carry out MSC Fisheries and Chain of Custody Standard assessments.

Fisheries program documents

Fisheries program documents

The MSC Fisheries Standard and the General Certification Requirements. For certifiers and clients.