Find MSC certified products
The MSC Improvement Program in the UK
It complements the existing efforts of the many fisheries improvement projects (FIPs) part of Project UK and the wider world.
What you can do

Sustainable seafood recipes
Discover more sustainable seafood recipes for every occasion.

Learn more about sustainable fishing
What does it mean and how does it impact stocks, habitats and livelihoods?

Dive into a blue foods future
Sustainably caught fish and seafood will help feed our growing population.
Sustainable seafood species in the UK and Ireland

What sustainable seafood species can you eat in the UK?
The big five species, cod, haddock, salmon, tuna and prawns, make up 80% of the fish and seafood we consume in the UK.

Sustainable seafood species swaps for the big five
There are many species caught closer to home that also make a great alternative if you want to try something new.

Five reasons to love tuna
Packed with nutrients and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, tuna is an excellent source of high-quality protein.
How scientists help fisheries protect our ocean
A journey from ocean to plate

Meet the UK & Irish fisheries
Find your local MSC certified fishery and learn more about what it means to fish with care.

MSC UK & Ireland Market Report
Latest consumer research that examines recent trends in MSC certified product sales and availability.

Fishermen's tales
More stories from those at sea on the sustainable fishing frontline.