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Forms, guides and templates for Conformity Assessment Bodies.

Conformity assessment bodies (CABs) are required to use (or to distribute to clients and stakeholders) set templates when conducting assessments to the MSC Fisheries Standard. Uniform templates ensure quality and consistency in application.
MSC-MSCI Vocabulary v1.6
Description: This vocabulary defines concepts, terms, phrases and abbreviations used by the MSC and MSCI.
Language: English
Version: 1.6
Date of issue: 22 July 2024
Date effective: 22 July 2024
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MSC Chain of Custody Single and Multi-site Pre-Audit Checklist v2.1
Description: The pre-audit checklist helps companies prepare for a Chain of Custody audit.
Language: English
Version: 2.1
Date of issue: 02 July 2024
Date effective: 02 July 2024
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MSC Chain of Custody Group Pre-Audit Checklist v2.1
Description: The pre-audit checklist helps companies prepare for a Chain of Custody audit.
Language: English
Version: 2.1
Date of issue: 02 July 2024
Date effective: 02 July 2024
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MSC Chain of Custody Consumer-Facing Organisation Pre-Audit Checklist v2.1
Description: The pre-audit checklist helps companies understand the intended outcomes of all certification principles under the MSC Chain of Custody Standard: Consumer-Facing Organisation version.
Language: English
Version: 2.1
Date of issue: 02 July 2024
Date effective: 02 July 2024
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MSC Fishery Announcement Template v2.2
Description: This form details the information required from conformity assessment bodies (CABs) when formally announcing the entry of a fishery into assessment or into reassessment.
Language: English
Version: 2.2
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
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MSC Client Action Plan template v1.1
Description: This optional template is for fishery clients to use to develop their Client Action Plans.
Language: English
Version: 1.1
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
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MSC Notice of Suspension Template v1.2
Description: This template details the information required from Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) when providing notification of the suspension of an MSC certified fishery.
Language: English
Version: 1.2
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
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MSC Surveillance Announcement Template v2.2
Description: This template details the information required from Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) when formally announcing annual surveillance activities.
Language: English
Version: 2.2
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
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MSC Client Document Checklist v2.2
Description: This document details the core information required to be provided by fisheries entering MSC assessment.
Language: English
Version: 2.2
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
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MSC Certificate Holder Forced and Child Labour Policies Practices and Measures Template v1.02
Description: Fisheries and at-sea Certificate Holders (CH) in the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) program are required to provide a self-description of labour policies and measures.
Language: English
Version: 1.02
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
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MSC Variation Request Form - Fisheries v1.1
Description: This form details the information required from Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) to enable the MSC to consider a CAB application to vary from a Fisheries-applicable requirement in any of the MSC program documents.
Language: English
Version: 1.1
Date of issue: 26 October 2022
Date effective: 26 October 2022
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MSC Surveillance Review of Information Template v2.1
Description: This template details the information required from Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) when creating the Surveillance Review of Information statement.
Language: English
Version: 2.1
Date of issue: 25 March 2020
Date effective: 25 September 2020
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MSC Pre-Assessment Reporting Template v3.2
Description: This template details the information required from Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) when creating a pre-assessment report.
Language: English
Version: 3.2
Date of issue: 25 March 2020
Date effective: 25 September 2020
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MSC Reduced Reassessment Reporting Template v2.1
Description: This template details the information required when creating following assessment reports: - Announcement Comment Draft Report - Client and Peer Review Draft Report - Public Comment Draft Report - Final Draft Report - Public Certification Report
Language: English
Version: 2.1
Date of issue: 28 March 2019
Date effective: 28 March 2019
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MSC Reporting Template v1.1
Description: This template details the information required when creating following assessment reports: - Announcement Comment Draft Report - Client and Peer Review Draft Report - Public Comment Draft Report - Final Draft Report - Public Certification Report
Language: English
Version: 1.1
Date of issue: 28 March 2019
Date effective: 28 March 2019
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MSC Surveillance Review of Information Template v2.01
Description: The Surveillance Review of Information statement shall be prepared using the Surveillance Review of Information Template.
Language: English
Version: 2.01
Date of issue: 28 March 2019
Date effective: 28 March 2019
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Template for Peer Reviewer follow up at PCDR stage v1.2
Description: This template shall be used by Peer Reviewers to provide feedback on MSC fisheries assessments during the Public Comment Draft Report stage.
Language: English
Version: 1.2
Date of issue: 17 December 2018
Date effective: 28 February 2019
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Template for Peer Review of MSC Fishery Assessments v2.1
Description: This template shall be used by Peer Reviewers of MSC fisheries’ assessments to ensure that the content of the review is relevant and actionable by Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs).
Language: English
Version: 2.1
Date of issue: 17 December 2018
Date effective: 28 February 2019
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MSC Fishery Assessment Scoring Worksheet (including versions for enhanced bivalves and salmon) v2.01
Description: MSC Fisheries Assessment Scoring Worksheets, V2.01
Language: English
Version: 2.01
Date of issue: 17 December 2018
Date effective: 28 February 2019
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MSC use of Risk-Based Framework (RBF) form 2011
Description: Use of the Risk-Based Framework (RBF) in a fishery assessment form
Language: English
Date of issue: 30 March 2011
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More for CABs

Fisheries program documents

Fisheries program documents

The MSC Fisheries Standard and the General Certification Requirements. For certifiers and clients.

Chain of Custody program documents

Chain of Custody program documents

The MSC Chain of Custody Standard and the General Certification Requirements. For certifiers and clients.

Translated program documents

Translated program documents

Translated resources for Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) accredited to carry out MSC Fisheries and Chain of Custody Standard assessments.